Thursday 18 April 2013

Candidate Information

Students Name:Lalita Bailey

Candidate Number:6122

Centre Number:61119

Centre name:Wilmington Grammar School For  


Q4)Evaluation question-How did you use media technologies in the construction,research,planning and evaluation stages?


Relating to CD cover to research.

Above is a digaram that describes the relationship between our final products and our research.

Relating poster to research.

Above is a diagram that relates our Final magazine design with our  research.

How we made the magazine poster.

We had already ediited the photogrpah on Adobe Photoshop so this gave us a head start  since we used the same photograph  for the CD cover.

Firstly we adjusted and edited the phtograph on Adobe Photshop and expaned the size of the phtograph so that it would be suitabel for the poster.
We then impotrted the phtograph into Adbobe Indesign  gradually started to add text to the picture by selecting which font we wanted and choosing which colour would be suitable according to our research.
 We copied and paste the Cd front cover from a speprate document  and added a red outline around it so that it would relaet to our colour scheme. After placing the picture of the front cover of the CD case onto the poster, we decided as a group that this would be our final poster. However after receiving negative feedback, we decided to edit the poster further.

We therefore decided to add more infoamtion ontot our poster in order to make the porodcut look more professional and realistic  by selecting the fonts and colours needed as before. 
Final poster below.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Filming problems and experimentation.

Bedroom scene experimentation of creating a silhouette.
Here is a shot that we filmed within the second shoot, where we attempted to create a shot where you could only see the outline of the actress body as we thought it looked quite effective. We did this by controlling the lighting (Turning off the main light, using a side lamp and a torch).

This picture shows Janet shining her phone to the wall in order to, control the light so that we could control the size of Niamh's shadow.

Here is an attempt to shoot me walking from the toilet to the bedroom, however whilst filming we encountered a problem as we realised that you could see objects within the frame that ruined the shot, and so to overcome this, we had to move all of the unnecessary objects of out the way.
Removing objects that were interfering with the shot.

Suicide scene mirror shot(omitted from the final cut)
We made an attempt to put a mirror inside the bath whilst running water to create a unique shot. This is our attempt of it, however we were  unable to use it as the mirror was too small so we couldn't  capture the reflection we wanted and when we tried it didn't  look convincing.

          Drug scene(omitted from the final cut)

In our music video, the actress collects drugs from a drug dealer, and so we thought it may be necessary to add a scene where the actress takes the drugs. However, when attempting to film it, we felt that it didn't look realistic as  we used sugar,  therefore we didn't add it to our music video as it looked silly and this was intended to be an intense scene.


Music channel broadcaster.

Research shows that music videos are shown on music video channels in order to prommote the artists current song..If my group and I were to promote our music video wwe would chose to do so on Mtv. This sis beacsue MTV broadcast their music channels internationally, and thsi broadacaster are aimed at younfgpeople which would appeal to our target auidenc of people in the late teens and early tweenties.Therefore, our music video would we promoted on a worldwide scale. It also generates types of music channels to fit the genre of music:MTV hits, MTV rocks and MTV dance.MTV rocks would be the most appropiate channel to ptomote out mucis vodep beacuse Ed Sheeran's Ateam is an alternative Indide rock song.