Thursday 22 November 2012

Specific Research Into camera angles and shots.

Suicide scene-initial idea of zooming into  the tap so the audience suspects something bad is  going to happen. Our interpretation of this shot is demonstrated below in chronological reference with photographs that we have taken.
Inspiration shot.
animated gif maker
Our shot.


Inspiration shot.

animated gif makerOur shot.
Inspiration shot.

Photos that show chronologically how we have interpreted the shot inspiration.

animated gif makerOur shot.

Inspiration shot.

Chronological photographs of shots.

create an animated gifOur shots.

Inspiration shot.

animated gif maker

Our shot.

Inspiration shot.

Inspiration shot.

Draft  filming of suicide scene-specific research of shots are to contribute to the final cut of this scene.

Bedroom Scene:

Inspiration shot.

Inspiration shot.

split an animated gifsplit an animated gif

Our shots.
Draft filming of shots for the bedroom shot below.


Bathroom Scene
create animated gif
Our shots.
                                            animated gif createour shots.
Below draft filming of bathroom shots.

Park Scene

Inspiration Shot.

Inspiration shot.

Inspiration shot.
gif maker
Our shots.
Inspiration shot.

Inspiration shot.
create animated gif
Our shots.
Draft filming of the park shots  below.


Clock rewinding inspiration shots below:

Inspiration shot.
Inspiration shot.

Draft filming of the clock rewinding scenes below.


Monday 19 November 2012

How we prepared our actress

Practice Preperation-before filming my group and I were trying to make our actress apppear scruffy and homeless so she could ebeleievably embody the character that we are trying to perceive in our music video.

In the shots below we are attemtping to  smudge the lipstick so the actress looks cheap and tacky.

In the four shots below we applied concealer to our actresses face so that she looks pale on cmaera.

In the photograph below we applied eye make up heavily  and smudged it in attempt to really make the actresses appearance to look scruufy and cheap.

Here is the final result created

Within these three shots we were practising the bathroom scene where I am applying make up onto my face and messing with my hair.From this we realised that we needed to make the makeup look more subtle beacuse the actress peephaps a little clown like beacsue the eye make up is overly smudged  and the lipstick is too bright.

In the over head mirror shots below we are practign the bathroom scene where the actress is suppose to apply her makeup and mess up her hair inored to impress male company.

Filming in danson park

The shots below show our actress in scruffy clothing we wanted to give the impression that the girl was homeless so these old clothes give the illusion that she is.

The 6 shots below show us ripping up a leather jacket so that we aid to the effect that the leather jacket has been worn and is old we want the audience to beleiev that she is homeless so visuallyw e have to make them believe.

We applied face paint to the actresses face because we felt it would blend in with ehr skin much better than cocnelaer would and looka s if she is naturallly pale drawn and tired.

Bleow is the fianl result we blended the face paint into her face so that on camera the actress appears naturally pale.

We heavily applied mascara and eyeleiner so we could create the pander eye effect so the audience wouyld believe that the charcetr has been crying.

This shows our progression when preperaing the actresses costume. 

We then into ripped and created holes into a pair of old tights to portray that the chgaracter has very little money and she is also wearing a cheap small black skirt.

We also used a old blanket so that the audience can recognise that she is homeless and sleeps rpughly on the streets  we wnated to create the impression that she is all she has to keep her for comfort  warm at night.

We then added an old rain jacket to the outfit this aided to the actresses homeless attire.

Below is a picture that shows the actress in full costume.

 Filming in Niamhs Bedroom

Within this scene we aimed to create soem contitntuiy to the actresses look as inn the previous scene   however this time more make up would be applied as she is meeting a man who is one of her customers so in this scene her look is more slutty and alluring.

Eyleiner was pplied underneath the eyelid so that we could creta a smokey and dark eyes.

The eye makeup was then smudged so that it looked poorly done and cheap.

Below is the final outcome of the dark eye makeup.

Mascara was then applied to the actresses eyelashes.

In the photograph below the actress is prepaign to get into charcter she got a  piece of paper as a fan and placed it in  front of her  eyes in order  to make them water so it would   appear that she was crying.

This is the final outcome of the maeup application.

And this is the final outcome under the black and white effect that we are choosing to shoot our film in .

 We insturcted our actress to make her her damp so that her hair would appear greasy we want our actress to look dirty and scruffy.

 Below are images of our actress applying bright pink lipstick this stays true to the chracter who is an porsititye so we want our actress to physically resmeble this and the bright lipstick makes her appear cheap.

Bedroom sene-the actress applied the same makeup that she  re-applied in the bathroom scene  in the bedroom so that there would be contitntuiy between the scenes.Becasue the charcter is supposedto go directly form the bathroom into the bedroom so she kept reapplying the makeup so that it did not fade but remained  as bold as if  it was the first time she put the makeup on.

Filming int the bathroom-Suicide scene:

 In the four photographs below the actress is making her hair damp so that it appears asif she has been in the bath a while before she contemplates suicicde.It would be weird if she was to cooomit suicicde straight away when her hairwouldappearalittle damp and perphaps practically dry.

Below is a photogeaph that shows the finalreault  of the actresses damp hair.

 The following  four photographs show the actress independently and with assiatnce applying heavy eye makeyp  the eye make up had to appear smudy and dark beacuse in the previous scene te cahracter has been crying.She is also wearing the same shade of bright pink lipstick that was applied in the other scene so that we can create a senese of contiunity.

Below is a phtograph that shows the makeup and the hair as a final product.
 The actress is wearing the same tube top that she wore in the previous scne it gives the illusion that she is not wearing clothing whuich was intened for the bedroomscne and evdiently in the bedroom scen and for this scene.
 The actress hid her bra strap so that its appears thatshe is not wearing any clothing.

 We then set the bath.
The following phtotgraphs show the actress gradually lowering hers;efinto the bath inorderto get used to the temrperture of the water she also gradually lowers herslef into the bath in attemptto practice her breath contol under the water.

 Once we did each take of the actress going udner water we re applied her makeup so that it looks frwesh in each retake and toweldried her hair beauce in each shot her hair needs to appear damp not soaked,lookat the two photots below.

Here is a video showing how we prepared our actress' make up for the street scenes.