Wednesday 16 January 2013

Reserach into Locations.

High Street Scene-This is the opening scene where the protagonist is homeless and is sleeping on the streets when she wakes up she begs and roams the streets.This represents that she can not cope with secular life.


Drug dealing shot also captured in a alley in Dartford High-street.

Highs street scene Ed Sheerans Ateam.
Highs street scene Ed Sheerans Ateam.
Highs street scene Ed Sheerans Ateam.

Our chsosen location for the high street  scene:

Dartford High-street-We decided to film in Dartford High-street in because it is busy  with lots of people and has lots of shops so we would be able to capture normal everyday busy life on camera.It is also  fairly local so it was convenient for the whole group to meet and film.
The high-street pub where we filmed the actress waking up is painted black and white so this was good location because we could a distinct contrast between the black and white which clashes with the protagonists dark hair and dark coloured attire.

High-street busy normal people walking in and out of the scene so we were able to capture the realism we wanted.

Park Scene-scene where the protagonist is exploring and feels a sense of freedom and happiness amongst nature.


Park scene Ed Sheerans Ateam.

Park Scene Ed Sheeran Ateam.

Park Scene Ed Sheerans Ateam.

Park Scene Ed Sheerans Ateam.

Our chsosen location for the park scene:

Heath-We chose Dartford Heath because it is  a big local park with lots of open space and vegetation  and we felt that this location would be perfect so that we could capture the protagonist  feeling free and happy amongst nature.
Lots of vegetation and open spaces.
Winding paths.

A natural landscape.

Bedroom Scene:This scene is where the protagonist sleeps with a customer in his home so we need the room to look stylish and reflect his wealth that contrasts with the trampy looking protagonist.
Bedroom scene Ed Sheerans Ateam.

Bedroom scene Ed Sheerans Ateam.

Our chosen location for the bedroom scene:

Niamh's bedroom:We chose Niamh's room because she plays the protagonist and  because the room is neat and stylish and reflects a sufficient degree of wealth so would be appropriate room to reflect the customers room.

Room moderately good size to film in.

Room simply yet elegant designed reflecting sufficient  wealth.

Room  has bare walls not a lot of clutter so nothing in the room that would obstruct the scene.

Suicide Bathroom Scene-This is the scene where the protagonist commits suicide by drowning herself.


Leona Lewis Bleeding Love.
Rihanna Stay.

Niamhs Bathroom-We chose to film in Niamhs bathroom  because  the décor is quite simple as  it simply tiled in black and white.This contrast in colour as we are filming in black and white can signify the confusion  that has led the protagonist  to commit suicide.

Simplistic tiled décor black and white which will look good when filmed in black and white.

The bathroom i spacious and easy 

Sunday 13 January 2013

First Draft-Ateam music video.

Individually every member of my group made their own first draft of the music video so that we could each have the opportunity to get comfortable  with using Serif Movie Plus and we also wanted to watch each others and then compare ideas so that we could include the best of each persons video and combine these ideas  in order to make a good final product.

Feedback from target audience(13 year old girl and 15 year old boy).Karen Bailey and Jonathan Bailey
Things that need to be improved according to my target audience:

  • It is not clear that the protagonist  is a prostitute. 
  • It is not that the protagonist is in her male clients home. 
  • The whole video is not consistently black and white.
  • Th editing needs to be smoother the cameras is jumpy and unfocused at times.
  • Need to convey more clearly  what's going on.  
Zainab Oyegu stated: "I feel that the cutting is very effective and efficient throughout the video, as well as the way the different clips are put together in terms of teh sructure of the video itself. Areas of improvement, would be camera focus, which our group as a whole will focus on when it comes to producting our final product."

Jade Boden-de Mel stated: ''The best bit about the video is that most of it is in black and white which already creates a morose mood to the whole thing. I feel that Lalita has choosen really good clips to use and the storyline flowed really well. I do however feel that at parts the camera focus could be improved or taken out at parts but overall very effective.''

Janet Ernile stated:"I really enjoyed the variety of shots and how the actress was very convincing. The transition from each scene was swift and effective. She also chose the music in tome to the actresses body language worked well".

Tami Smith-"I thought the video was brilliant well done,the cutting was effective however a little shaky at parts and the camera lost a little bit of focus".

Things to improve:
  • Film the whole video in black white so that I do not have to edit it using video effects pn serif movie plus because the toanl value is distinctively different form the aprts of the video that weere filmed in black and white so this has to be corrected wehn filming our video again in the futire we need there to be contunity.
  • Avoid obstructions when filming ( 01.37 secs)  Janet appears in the scene which disrupts the flow of the scene).
  • Edit the music must be smoother at( 0.13 secs)the music abruptly jumps and sounds disjointed.
  • Depict more clearly what's  going on so we have to make a clearer timeline/slash story board,strengthen storyline.
  • The 360 degree angle featured  needs to be filmed more smoothly because at the moment the camera is jumpy  we could film this sitting in a trolley or someone could lift the other person while they film in order to get a smoother more focused shot(0.48-01 .10 secs).
  • When the protagonist is drowning at(0. 0 2 secs) she needs to be fully immersed in the water.
  • Not entirely clear at  (03. 14 secs) that the protagonist has slept with a client
  • At (0.32 secs-0.36 secs)the zoom shot needs to be smoother,we want the shot to look dynamic  and not shaky otherwise the shot looks amateur and we want our video as a group to look professional and well made.
  • Narrative  at (0.06-01.29 secs )is good but good be tighter according to the lyrics when it says 'ripped clothes,rain coat' as the song is talking about the protagonist's  shabby attire the camera can direct itself to each individual piece of clothing. 
  • The editing needs to be slicker at (02:06 secs) the camera is hesitant and dwelling to long on the same sort of short and there is too much repetition  in use of shots more variation would make it more interesting.
  • At(03:57 secs) the zoom shot used its shot to quickly it needs to be done more gradually so that th result is a more fluid shot.
Things done well:
  • Strong costume-sense that the character is homeless and is dealing with hardship  in her life.
  • Acting done well can sympathise with the  character ,the actress takes you on a journey.
  • A wide variation of shots(perhaps needs to be executed better)
Video Below(with music)

Song-song edited using audacity -edited the song in order to suit the narrative of our video with the narrative portrayed in the song.

Thursday 10 January 2013



Communication in the group

Receiving emails from my fellow group members  that contain attachments to research  and final products.
Sending work and research to one another via email.

A brief plan created with a group member  organised the dates to film and edit.

Whtasapping a fellow team mate in order to get her opinion on the ancillary task that Zainab and I designed and produced.
Tex ting fellow group members in order to arrange and confirm places of meeting fro filming arranging to do ancillary tasks.

Further messages sent via text below.

Outline of the storyline with camera angle drawings.

 Beginning: face shot down to necklace, necklace falls to ground, time rewinds with clock, rewind all scenes.(Initial silence)
Town scene:
Music starts Wakes up on street in Dartford with cardboard box and bin bags.

Walking into park touches the trees wanders round the park looking lost Walking shot of feet, walking to town to beg for money.
Sees money on the floor and picks it up.

 Meets guy in alleyway exchanges money for drugs.

Gets paper out of pocket to call someone from payphone .. calls guy.
Escort pick up  Scene:
Walking again  along the road  in the evening  awaiting her customer.

Sitting on stone wall underneath street lamp.

 Car comes she enters shot of car driving off.

 Door shot of guy and girl entering.
Escort Scene:Girl goes to bathroom freshens up takes drugs.

Walks to room, see the guy taking off clothes.

 Girl lying in bed crying  with clothes on  the floor.
Suicide scene:
 Goes to Bathroom  to run a bath and drowns herself removes necklace.