Tuesday 26 March 2013

Hand drawings ancillary task- magazine poster with research

(Photograph image for Cd cover)Research below  shows that the magazine poster promoting the album could possibly feature the exact same phtograph  inorder to promte conttinutiy.It also encourages the audeince to buy the Cd as usuing the same phtograph acts a reminder because the image would instantly  be assoicated with the album . The skectches which ahve been inspired by the research below will enable my group to decide what images we will finally use.The sketches have enabled us to explore our ideas as feautred below.

Monday 25 March 2013

Hand Drawings-Ancillary task digi pack initial design ideas

Below are  rough drawings of design ideas in which will contribute to the final design of our digipack. 

Cd Design 1

Cd Design2

CD Design 3

Cd Design 4

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Ancillary Task photoshoot 2.

Contact  sheet 1.
Contact sheet 2.
As a group these were the photos that we chose form in order to construct our final ancillary tasks.
Off centre .
Off centre mid close up heavy artificial lighting.

Mid close up.

Off centre close up dark shadow 

Mid off centre shot.

High angle mid close up.

Final photographs chosen collectively as a group.

Monday 18 March 2013

Ancillary Photoshoot 1.

Inspiration shot.

Mid shot.
Mid shot.
Mid close up.

Mid close up.

Mid close up.

Inspiration shot.

Inspiration shot.
Mid close up.
Mid close up.
High angel close up shot.

Mid  shot.

Close up.

Mid close up.
Inspiration shot.
Inspiration shot.
Mid long shot.
Mid close up.
Close up.
Mid close up. 
Contact sheet.