Monday 11 March 2013

Copright letter.

I am a year 13 student at Wilmington Grammar School for Girls (WGSG) in England. I am writing to request your permission to use your track by Ed Sheeran called ‘A team’.With your permission, with three other members of my group, we would like to use this track as part of our A2 product, which is part of our coursework and involves producing a music video. We specifically chose this track as it is not only familiar, but may also apply to a lot of young people in our generation.

We will also be producing a digi-pack and a poster advertisement which may also include the name of the track and artist. If we receive your permission the track will be used only for educational purposes and will only be posted on YouTube so that out teachers, media class and the OCR examining board have access to our product. It will also be placed on YouTube so that the public can comment on our product and give us their opinion. However, it will be removed from YouTube once the exam board have viewed it.
The artist and the company will be fully acknowledged throughout the pre-production and the music video- this will be posted on our blogs, which involve the process of our production and product itself.
We appreciate your time; and look forward to hearing from you soon,

Zainab Oyenuga
Janet Erinle
Lalita Bailey
Niamh Karia

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