Thursday 28 February 2013

Inside cover research.

My group and I decided that we wanted to design the inside of the CD cover and below are different conventional ways that CD cover s are designed.
Inside this cover is a quick signed message from the singer directly aimed at  connecting with the fans.This  simple design could be incorporated into our own digi-pack  as the heart drawing in the inside cover above appropriately relates   tot he heart necklace iconography used representing   heart ache,loss and pain.

Inside this CD cover includes
a list of people that the band  giving thanks to on the album release  this a fairly boring and plain inside cover design and my group and I do not particularly  like it.

My group liked this design idea best as it included a photograph of the singer and we like the idea  of including a singer in the inside cover in that we we can include iconography and relate the black and white photography to the other elements of the digi -pack.

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